Sprzedam Bunorfin Bunondol  kupie. Leki bez recepty

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I will sell Bunorfin Bunondol I will buy
I will sell Bunorfin Bunondol I will buy

Details of the announcement
The drug Bunondol comes from pharmacy distribution !!! Choose a proven seller. Full professionalism, discreet package. 
Current Offer 2024 and above
Write to email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com
email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com
email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com



Whatsapp +370 648 76756

I always try to answer every query as quickly as possible. If there is no answer for some time, please be patient, I will definitely answer!!                   

Sell ​​Prices for these as below:
Bunondol 0.4mg = 30 pcs 199 PLN; 60 pcs 335 PLN; 90 pcs 445 PLN

Afobam 1 mg = 30 pcs 150 PLN; 60 pcs 275 PLN; 90 pcs 355 PLN

Lorafen 2.5 mg ; Cloraxen ; Lexotam = 30 pcs 130 PLN ; 60 pcs 230 PLN ; 90 pcs 320 PLN

Tramal 200 mg = 30 pcs. PLN 250; 60 pcs. PLN 340; 90 pcs. PLN 410 (Tablets, not syrup)

Sevredol 20 mg = 30 pcs 199 PLN; 60 pcs 310 PLN; 90 pcs 400 PLN 

Oxycontin 80 mg = 30 pcs 429 PLN; 60 pcs 659 PLN; 90 pcs 339 PLN (I have wholesale quantities)

Rivotril 2 mg = 30 pcs PLN 110 ; 60 pcs PLN 222 ; 90 pcs PLN 322 
XANAX 2 mg = 30 pcs PLN 239 ; 60 pcs PLN 370 ; 90 pcs PLN 410 

 Lamitrin 100mg = 30 pcs 190 PLN; 60 pcs 320 PLN; 90 pcs 410 PLN

email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com


Whatsapp +370 648 76756

Buprenorphine is an active ingredient that is often used to treat chronic pain and opioid addiction. It is a multi-purpose medication that helps patients in a variety of situations. Below, I provide more detailed information about buprenorphine, its uses, and its substitutes.

Buprenorphine: Buprenorphine is an opioid that acts on opioid receptors in the brain. It is used to treat a variety of conditions, including:

Chronic Pain Treatment: Buprenorphine is effective in relieving chronic pain of varying severity. It works by reducing pain sensitivity and improving patient comfort.

email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com
email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com
email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com

Opioid Addiction Treatment: Buprenorphine is used as part of opioid substitution therapy (OST) to treat addiction to opioids such as heroin and morphine. It is used to reduce withdrawal symptoms and control cravings, helping patients gradually wean off their substances.

Buprenorphine Substitutes: There are several substitutes for buprenorphine or other drugs used for similar purposes. Some examples include:

Suboxone: Suboxone is a medication that contains both buprenorphine and naloxone. It is often used to treat opioid addiction to reduce the risk of abuse.

Subutex: Subutex is a medication that contains only buprenorphine and is used to treat opioid addiction.

email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com
email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com
email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com

Zubsolv: Zubsolv is another medication that contains buprenorphine and naloxone. It is used to treat opioid addiction.

Temgesic: Temgesic is a medication that contains buprenorphine and is used to treat moderate pain.

Summary: Buprenorphine is an effective drug that has been used in the treatment of both chronic pain and opioid addiction. The choice of the appropriate drug depends on the goal of therapy and the individual needs of the patient. In the case of opioid addiction treatment, the choice and dosage of the drug should be directed by a specialist who will adapt the therapy to the individual case of the patient.

email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com
email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com
email: drugstoreukltd@gmail.com

Wyślij wiadomość

Cena: 55.00 PLN (do negocjacji)

Dodał(a): angelakowasky

Emailpokaż email...

Województwo: Mazowieckie

Miasto: Pruszków

Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Stan: Nowy

Przestrzegaj kilka zasad bezpieczeństwa podczas transakcji

1. Umów się na spotkanie osobiście z drugą stroną transakcji
2. Koniecznie sprawdź przedmiot przed dokonaniem zapłaty.
3. Nie wysyłaj płatnych sms-ów
4. Nigdy nie płać z góry.
5. Nie udostępniaj swoich danych osobowych lub kont bankowych

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Opublikowano: 2024-12-17    |   Wyświetleń: 21   |   ID Ogłoszenia: 12458   |   Link do ogłoszenia: https://rapto.pl/12458,sprzedam-bunorfin-bunondol--kupie-leki-bez-recepty

100 100 1
55.00 PLN http://schema.org/InStock http://schema.org/NewCondition OGL-012458 2024-12-17 2025-03-17

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